'A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. Its loveliness increases, it will never pass into nothingness'
Artisto wants to offer a forum for artistic expression and creativeness in an inspiring venue to the satisfaction of artists and audiance.
Artisto organise des performances artistiques dans des sites exclusifs, qui mettent en valeur la création ou la composition des artistes et offrent au public un moment de beauté et de joie.
Artisto wil een podium bieden aan artiesten in inspirerende locaties, om de rijkdom van de compositie en het talent van de artiest kracht bij te zetten en een ogenblik van welbevinden aan het publiek aan te bieden.
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June 2023
November 2023
Église de la Madeleine Paris
Messe Solenelle pour deux orgues - Louis Vierne
Credo - Puccini
Benedictus - Gounod
Olivier Perrin, Grandes orgues
Gavin Roberts, orgue de choeur
John Padley, conductor
Olwen Lintern Smyth, soprano
Bastien Girard, Bariton
Laurens Wyns, tenor
Vox Amicorum choir
July 2023
Basilique de Vézelay - Messiah Haendel (Highlights) -Gloria Vivaldi
Vault-de-Lugny - église Saint-Germain
May 2023
Pentecost 2023
ROME - Festival de musica sacra
San Paolo fuori le mura - Messiah Haendel (Highlights)
November 2022
PARIS - dimanche le 06.11.22 Église de la Madeleine
FAURÉ - Requiem
Olwen Lintern-Smyth, soprano
Laurens Wyns, tenor
Gavin Roberts, organ
John Padley, conductor
Vox Amicorum, choir
July 2022
BOURGOGNE - Basilique de Vézelay
Bach- Fauré - Jacobs - Allegri - Vottoria
Octobre 2021
PARIS - dimanche le 24.10.21 Église de la Madeleine
Brahms - Ein Deutsches Requiem
Anna Carbonera, soprano
Laurens Wyns, bariton
Vox Amicorum, choeur
Juillet 2021
VÉZELAY - Basilique de la Madeleine
Bach - Suite no 1 - Katelijn Van Kerckhoven, violoncelle
Gjeilo - Britten - Byrd - Lauridssen
Choeur Vox Amicorum
Chef de choeur, Marc van den Borre
PARIS - Dimanche 25 octobre 2020 - église de la Madeleine
Requiem Allemand J.Brahms -
Vox Amicorum + Voces UK
John Padley, direction
Gavin Roberts, organ
Anne carbonerar, soprano
Romain Dayez, Bariton
Tournée de concerts en Bourgogne 2020
Vox Amicorum, chœur
Marc Van den Borre, chef de choeur
Jesu dulcis memoria
Tallis, Vittoria, Allegri, Purcell, Byrd, Lassus
16.7.2020 - 20.30 h SURGY
Église Saint-Martin
Ensemble Phrasis - Roanne - Piazzola rencontre Tallis.
17.7.2020 - 20.30 h VÉZELAY
Basilique Sainte-Marie Madeleine
18.7.2020 - 17.30 h SAINT-PÈRE
Église Notre Dame
19.7.2020 – 17.00 h AVALLON
Entrée Collégiale Saint-Lazare
Su 24th November 2019 - Paris - La Madeleine - Messiah HAENDEL (highlights)
Vox Amicorum and British singers
John Padley, conductor - Gavin Roberts, organ - Olwen Lintern-Smyth, Soprano - Romain Dayez, Base - Laurens Wyns, tenor
Sa 3 August 2019 - Night of the Museum, Antwerp - Museum Plantin en Moretus, Prentenkabinet - from 20 h - till 23 h
Mario Sarrechia, harpsichord (Virginaal) - Patrick Denencker, flute - Music from the 17th Century - Suzanne van Solt and others
Fri 7 June 2019 - Venice St Georges Anglican church
Su 9 June 2019 - Basilica dei Frari
Hans Van Kerckhoven, violin- Vox Amicorum, choir - Marc Van den Borre, conductor - An Lauwereins, soprano
Olwen Lintern-Smyth, soprano - Dick Van Daele, tenor - Koen Vereertbrugghen, tenor
ALLEGRI, Miserere Mei
BIBER, Pasacaglia - violin solo
BYRD, Ave Verum Corpus
TALLIS, If ye love me
VITTORIA - Jesu, dulcis memoria
PALESTRINA, Sicut Servus
BACH, Ciaccona from partita II BWV1004 in D minor - violin
VITTORIA, O Magnum Mysterium
ALLEGRI, Adoremus in aeternam
ROSSINI, O Salutaris Hostia
DE BOECK, O Beata Mater
BACH, Adagio from Sonata 1 BWV 1001 G-minor violin solo
The music selected for this concert from Allegri over Biber, Byrd, da Vittoria, Palestrina, Tallis, Bach to Rheinberger and the Belgian Composer August De Boeck, have this in common that they are built around an harmonic pattern that is repeated as the basis of a wide range of variations (see Chaconne; also common in Elizabethan England as ‘a division on a Grounde’). During the seventeenth century, Claudio Monteverdi, who was maestro di capella at the basilica of San Marco in the Republic of Venice, composed many pieces using ostinato patterns in his operas and sacred works. Another well-known ostinato-based pieces is Ravel's Boléro, where a few notes have been arranged and come back. The ostinato-based compositions are from all times. Henry Purcell became famous for his skilful deployment of ground bass patterns. His most famous ostinato is the descending chromatic ground bass that underpins the aria "When I am laid in earth" ("Dido's Lament") at the end of his opera Dido and Aeneas. Miserere mei ("Have mercy on me, O God") is a setting of Psalm 50 by Italian composer Gregorio Allegri. Composed around 1638 Miserere was the last and most famous of twelve falsobordone settings used at the Sistine Chapel since 1514. At some point, it became forbidden to transcribe the music and it was allowed to be performed only at those particular services at the Sistine Chapel, thus adding to the mystery surrounding it.
11 May 2018 - 20 h : VENICE, Italy : St George's Anglican church, Campo San Vio, Gran Canale.
PERGOLESI, Stabat Mater - VIVALDI Gloria
Marc Van den Borre, Conductor - Owlen Turchetta, soprano - Domiique Vansande, mezzo - Margherita Gianola, organ
Vivaldi (1678 – 28 July 1741) was an Italian Baroque composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher and cleric. Born in Venice, he is recognized as one of the greatest Baroque composers.Many of his compositions were written for the all-female music ensemble of the Ospedale della Pietà, a home for abandoned children where Vivaldi was employed. Vivaldi also had some success with expensive stagings of his operas in Venice, Mantua and Vienna. After meeting the Emperor Charles VI, Vivaldi moved to Vienna, hoping for preferment. However, the Emperor died soon after Vivaldi's arrival, and Vivaldi himself died, in poverty, less than a year later.
Vivaldi was only 25 when he started working at the orphanage. Over the next thirty years he composed most of his major works while working there. There were four similar institutions in Venice; their purpose was to give shelter and education to children who were abandoned or orphaned, or whose families could not support them. They were financed by funds provided by the Republic. The boys learned a trade and had to leave when they reached the age of fifteen. The girls received a musical education, and the most talented among them stayed and became members of the Ospedale's renowned orchestra and choir.
13 May 2018 - 11.30 h : VENICE, Italy : San Polo church
Saint-Saens - Poulenc - Gounod - Allegri
June 2018 - Private concert Ukkel - Klassiek : Rameau, Lully, Haendel, Strauss, Massenet - Musica Profundis, orkest - Hans Van Kerckhoven viool solo, Alex Van Beveren, hobo - Jazz : Jan Moeyaert - Frans chanson : Eniko Szilagyi.
Concert tour Summer 2018
15 July 2018 -16 h: PARIS : Église St Eugène Ste Cécile, 4 rue du Conservatoire 75009 Paris
ADORAMUS TE - concert de chant religieux - Allegri, Poulenc, Lassus, Dufay, Palestrina, Purcell, Byrd, da Vittora
choeur, Vox Amicorum - chef de choeur, John Padley (UK)
17 July 20.30 h - VEZELAY - Basilique de Vézelay
ADORAMUS TE - chants religieux renaissance (15ème et 16ème siècle)
18 July 16 h - DIJON - Centre Hospitalier La Chartreuse
BONJOUR MON COEUR - concerts d'été
Allegri, Encina, Arbeau, Arcadelt, Tourdillions, Lassus, Dufay, Tallis
19 July 16 h - BEAUNE - Hospices Dieu
BONJOUR MON COEUR - concerts d'été
Allegri, Encina, Arbeau, Arcadelt, Tourdillions, Lassus, Dufay, Tallis
17 October 2018 - Het leven van Nicolaes Cleynaert, 16de-eeuwse theoloog, humanist, pedagoog en talenliefhebber die de Christelijke en Islamietische godsienst dichter bij mekaar wou brengen door een vertaling van de Koran naar het Latijn.
28 October 2018, 16 h - Paris, Madeleine Church, France
Requiem DURUFLÉ - Vox Amicorum, choir - John Padley, conductor - Gavin Roberts, organ - Olwen Lintern-Smyth, soprano - Romain Dayez, Bariton
Duruflé (1902 – 1986) was a French composer, organist, and teacher. highly critical of his own compositions. He published only a handful of works and often continued to edit and change pieces after publication. His Requiem was published in 1948 by the French firm Durand. It had been commissioned six years earlier under the collaborationist Vichy regime, but Duruflé was still working on it in 1944 when the regime collapsed and in fact did not complete it until the year of publication.At the time of commission, Duruflé was working on an organ suite using themes from Gregorian chants. He incorporated his sketches for that work into the Requiem, which uses numerous themes from the Gregorian "Mass for the Dead. The composer dedicated the Requiem to the memory of his father. In 1927, Louis Vierne nominated him as his assistant at Notre-Dame. Duruflé and Vierne remained lifelong friends, and Duruflé was at Vierne's side acting as assistant when Vierne died at the console of the Notre-Dame organ on 2 June 1937.
December 2018 - Lodewijk De Vocht en tijdgenoten - Orde van de prince Plantiniana.
Liesbeth Devos, sopraan - Hans Van Kerckhoven, viool - Jan Moeyaert, piano
7 June 2019 - Venice St Georges Anglican church
9 June 2019 - Basilica dei Frari
Hans Van Kerckhoven, violin- Vox Amicorum, choir - Marc Van den Borre, conductor - An Lauwereins, soprano
Olwen Lintern-Smyth, soprano - Dick Van Daele, tenor - Koen Vereertbrugghen, tenor
ALLEGRI, Miserere Mei
BIBER, Pasacaglia - violin solo
BYRD, Ave Verum Corpus
TALLIS, If ye love me
VITTORIA - Jesu, dulcis memoria
PALESTRINA, Sicut Servus
BACH, Ciaccona from partita II BWV1004 in D minor - violin
VITTORIA, O Magnum Mysterium
ALLEGRI, Adoremus in aeternam
ROSSINI, O Salutaris Hostia
DE BOECK, O Beata Mater
BACH, Adagio from Sonata 1 BWV 1001 G-minor violin solo
The music pieces that have been selected for this concert from Allegri over Biber, Byrd, da Vittoria, Palestrina, Tallis, Bach to Rheinberger and the Belgian Composer August De Boeck, have this in common that they are built around an harmonic pattern that is repeated as the basis of a wide range of variations (see Chaconne; also common in Elizabethan England as ‘a division on a Grounde’). During the seventeenth century, Claudio Monteverdi, who was maestro di capella at the basilica of San Marco in the Republic of Venice, composed many pieces using ostinato patterns in his operas and sacred works. Another well-known ostinato-based pieces is Ravel's Boléro, where a few notes have been arranged and come back. The ostinato-based compositions are from all times. Henry Purcell became famous for his skilful deployment of ground bass patterns. His most famous ostinato is the descending chromatic ground bass that underpins the aria "When I am laid in earth" ("Dido's Lament") at the end of his opera Dido and Aeneas. Miserere mei ("Have mercy on me, O God") is a setting of Psalm 50 by Italian composer Gregorio Allegri. Composed around 1638 Miserere was the last and most famous of twelve falsobordone settings used at the Sistine Chapel since 1514. At some point, it became forbidden to transcribe the music and it was allowed to be performed only at those particular services at the Sistine Chapel, thus adding to the mystery surrounding it.
Sa 3 August 2019 - Museumnacht, Antwerp - Museum Plantin en Moretus, Prentenkabinet - 20 u
Mario Sarrechia, harpsichord (Virginaal) - Patrick Denencker, flute - Music from the 17th Century - Suzanne van Solt and others
Su 24th November 2019 - Paris - La Madeleine - Messiah Haendel - Vox Amicorum and British singers - John Padley, conductor - Gavin Roberts, organ - Olwen Lintern-Smyth, Soprano - Romain Dayez, Base -